Worship with us during the season of Lent. We have events and activities for the whole family!
Palm Sunday | April 13
Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, a time to remember the final days of Jesus’ life. On this day, Jesus entered Jerusalem as King, riding on a donkey while the crowds shouted "Hosanna!" and laid palm branches before Him.
Join us for a joyful and traditional service, featuring a procession of palms waved by the children as we celebrate Christ’s triumphant entry. Come worship with us as we prepare our hearts for the journey to Easter.
8:30, 9:45 and 11:00 a.m.
All are welcome!
Pancakes & palms | April 13
All kids are invited to participate in a joyful Palm Sunday celebration filled with music, worship, and a delicious pancake breakfast!
We ask that each child participate in waving palms at two services:
8:30 attendees – Stay for the beginning of 9:45 to sing and wave before heading out (or stay for pancakes!).
9:45 attendees – Sing and wave, enjoy pancakes, then stay for the beginning of 11:00 to wave again before leaving.
Let’s kick off Easter in a big way! To get involved, email .
Maundy Thursday | April 17 | 6:30 p.m. | sanctuary
Please come for a meaningful Maundy Thursday service as we remember Jesus’ last meal with His disciples and the institution of Holy Communion. This sacred time invites us to reflect on Christ’s love, humility, and sacrifice as we prepare our hearts for Easter.
All are welcome to participate in this time of worship and reflection.
GOOD FRIDAY | April 18 | 6:30 P.M. | Sanctuary
Experience a powerful Good Friday service through the Traditional Tenebrae service, featuring scripture and music. As the light fades, we reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice, His death on the cross, and its profound meaning for our lives.
You are invited to participate in this moving time of worship and reflection as we prepare our hearts for Easter.
WONDERFULLY MADE EASTER EGG HUNT | April 19 | 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. | Randal Tyson Park
Join us for a joyful and inclusive Easter celebration at our Wonderfully Made Easter Egg Hunt! This special event is designed for children of all ability levels to experience the fun and excitement of Easter in a welcoming environment.
In addition to the egg hunts, enjoy:
Face Painting
Story Time
Delicious Food
...and more!
All children are welcome! Don’t forget to bring your Easter basket and get ready for a day full of fun and community.
Learn more or sign up HERE
EASTER worship at first church | April 20 | 8:30 A.M. | 9:45 A.M. | 11:00 A.M.
Celebrate the season of hope and renewal with us at a joyful and uplifting Easter worship service! Join our welcoming community as we gather to share inspiring messages, heartfelt worship, and the glorious celebration of Jesus’ resurrection.
This service is for you no matter where you are on your faith journey—whether you're exploring or looking to deepen your relationship with God. Come experience the love, peace, and joy of Easter in a meaningful way.
Easter Sunrise Service
7:00 a.m. – In the courtyard
Easter Worship Services
8:30 a.m. | 9:45 a.m. | 11:00 a.m.
Join us as we celebrate the spirit of Christ, the warmth of community, and the hope of Easter.
All are welcome! We can’t wait to worship with you. Nursery for infants - Pre-K is available during all three services.
Easter giving
In honor or memory of a loved one. Names will be published on Easter Sunday.
volunteers needed for holy week & easter
Preparing for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday, we need ushers and greeters to help make these special services welcoming and meaningful.
Holy Week Services:
Maundy Thursday & Good Friday – Ushers & greeters needed.
Easter Sunday: Ushers, greeters, and extra people are needed to keep the Connect Center staffed throughout Easter morning, welcoming guests and helping them find their way.
If you’d like to serve, we’d love to have you! Let’s make this a joyful and welcoming Easter celebration together.
Hospitality Volunteers Needed for Holy Week! Please help us make Holy Week a warm and welcoming experience for everyone! We need extra hospitality volunteers to greet visitors, assist guests, and share the love of Christ during our special services. If you’d like to serve, we’d love to have you! Let’s make this a meaningful and welcoming Holy Week together.