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Working together for the glory of God!

by Whitney Bohn on April 21, 2023

It all started with a phone call from Chaplain Daniel Cox. Spirit led, Danny called me to discuss the possibility of His Helping Hands donating clean clothing for an upcoming mission event that his church was hosting. His church, Living Faith Church in Fayetteville, serves the unsheltered population through their “Refresh and Connect Ministry”. He just happens to live close to our church in Springdale and had heard that we are the only free clothing closet in the area.

The wonderful ladies at His Helping Hands Clothes Closet were excited to get involved and graciously gathered clothes for us to donate. 

As we moved closer to the event date, God continuously provided other ways to serve the unsheltered, including a Walmart donation that supplied canned meat and other easy-open items, super cheap electrolyte water at the Food Bank, and ample volunteer groups to get all the supplies squared away and ready for the event. God truly does care about the details.

A handful of us loaded up the Bread of Life box truck and headed over to Walker Park at 9am on March 25th. When we pulled up, we were greeted with a warm welcome and hands ready to help us unload. 

I watched in amazement as the unsheltered were fed hot food, received haircuts, received clean clothes, took a shower, and spent time in fellowship. People were prayed over, given hygiene items, and even a bag of food to take with them. We were focusing on the whole person. And not only that, we were doing it as different churches coming together as one. 

 “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.” 1 Corinthians 12:12-13

Isn’t this the way that God intended? That we all come together, with our own gifts and abilities, to serve those in need regardless of church affiliation or denomination? The unsheltered population has a heavy stigma that follows them around. But I tell you, in spite of their circumstances, they chose joy and gratefulness that morning. 

This ministry is a blessing to those we serve, but also to the volunteers. I feel honored to be able to share my time and listen to their stories. Each person has a story, as do you and I. Coming together, despite our differences, is the catalyst of change. It is how we experience and show the gospel to the world.

Through this church partnership, His Helping Hands has started supplying clothes for a transitional house here in Springdale. We have learned that Living Faith has a warehouse to store donated furniture for when men/women move out of transitional housing and into their own space. We cannot provide this, as we do not have the space on campus. Chaplain Danny noticed our wall of linens at His Helping Hands and asked that we provide linens, as they have beds to give, but no sheets. God’s people working together for the good of others. This is what it is all about. Where the Spirit leads, we will go. 

Will you be in prayer for not only this ministry but all of our church ministries? I feel the Lord moving in each of them and what a blessing it is to be able to experience the Lord’s work, firsthand. 

If you are interested in helping with the Refresh and Connect Ministry, please contact me at  . The next event is April 29th at Walker Park. Current needs: new undergarments, can openers, shoes, summer clothes, and dog food. There is a drop-off bin in the church office.

If you are interested in getting involved in one of our weekly ministries at First Church, I would love to talk more. As our ministries are expanding, so are the volunteer opportunities. I can’t wait to work alongside you for the glory of God!

Tags: homeless, outreach, help, first church, free food, fayetteville, first united methodist church, northwest arkansas, free clothes, nwa, downtown springdale, unsheltered, free showers


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