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Confirmation Info Meeting

August 18, 2024 5:00pm

Contact: Riley HarrisRiley Harris

Our Confirmation Class will kick off with a student and parent/guardian meeting on Sunday, August 18th at 5PM in the upstairs Youth Area.

2024-2025 Confirmation Class Info: 

  • Confirmation is open to students in the 6th grade during the 2024-2025 school year as well as any older students who may not have completed Confirmation in the past. For additional information, and to sign up a student for Confirmation, please click HERE.
  • This class meets weekly throughout the school year on Sunday evenings and throughout the class, students will learn about the "basics" of Christianity including, but not limited to, who God is, the role He plays in our lives, and what He has called us to do. This is all in preparation for students to learn about and be able to "confirm" the love that God has extended to him or her and their intention to live the vows of the baptismal and membership covenant and so become professing members of the local church congregation. 

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